Hello everyone and I hope you’re all hanging in there during this second wave of COVID! So far the Coast continues to do well thanks to everyone’s effort at wearing masks in public and staying home. We’re not sure what we’re going to do for Christmas, but it may just be the three of us. I know it will be hard on those who don’t have people around them, so let’s make sure we connect with those who can’t connect physically by other means.
We had our first pre-budget meeting and it looks daunting. So much so that I dedicated a blog post to just that topic. I highly recommend you read it and I am also soliciting feedback on our budget. Links to that can be found there as well.
Food waste
The first 5 weeks of green bins we have managed to divert 61.5 tons of methane producing food waste away from the landfill, a resounding success. By week 5, 80% of households in the rural areas were participating. In case you missed it last month, here is a link to my blog entry on this matter and here is Donna McMahon’s food waste rant. What is shocking is that 40% of people used extra garbage tags on their bi-weekly pickup, which indicates to me that many people are not recycling and diverting as much as possible, because most households should be able to handle bi-weekly garbage no problem. Some critics are saying we aren’t doing enough and really everyone should be composting so we don’t need big trucks driving around to pick it up, but clearly it seems the majority of people are not ready for that yet, so this is an intermediary step to create awareness and improve things while meeting the public where they’re at.
DL 1312
The rezoning application for DL1312 (Harman Road) has recommenced. The developer deferred the application process about last March, but it is now recommencing. Details can be found here, on p.41-65. We are moving towards second reading and because of COVID, a public information meeting is not happening. Instead, questions can be directed at Jim Green, the developer, directly at jim@ventureland.ca (604-603-3750). The planner dealing with this application is Yuli Siao, yuli.siao@scrd.ca
I want to make you aware that should the application pass second reading, a public hearing will be scheduled where any and all concerns will be heard. In the meantime you can submit your concerns in writing to planning.department@scrd.ca .
2284 Pixton Road
An application for an extra dwelling has been submitted again after the first application was cancelled by the applicant, and I hear from staff that the new application is materially the same as the previous one, but will need to be considered as a new application due to changes in the larger community environment, for example due to changes in the affordability and availability of housing. The original application can be found here, on p. 51-57, but I recommend waiting for the new report coming for first reading at a future PCDC agenda. In the meantime you can address questions to the applicant, Mr. Morrissey, at 604-886-2028 and with the SCRD planner Yuli Siao at yuli.siao@scrd.ca . As is the case with DL1312, opportunity for feedback on the development will be provided at a public hearing should it pass second reading, and in the meantime you can submit feedback in writing to planning.department@scrd.ca.
BC Ferries
COVID is hitting BC ferries hard, and currently all terminal upgrades and additional ferry capacity for the Sunshine Coast has been mothballed. They still would like to hear from you regarding their future plans, so here is a link to their “Ahead together” page, where you can provide feedback until Dec 9th.
That’s it from me for now. I wish you all a happy holidays, in very small circles, and I hope you can get I touch electronically with your loved ones. In case you have any questions or concerns, you can always email me.