Roberts Creek is generally a community where we need a car to get around. Buses are an option, but service is only along the two arteries and their frequency is not great. We also live on the side of a mountain, which means unless you're walking/biking/driving parallel to the shoreline, you are either going up or down a hill, which can be a sweaty affair! But there are solutions! For those active types, and for those two arteries that are generally fairly flat, we should continue our efforts to widen the shoulders and create bike paths. With the advent of e-bikes, hills have become less onerous. Electric cars are becoming more and more affordable. We have an opportunity to become a very bike-friendly community here, and while we're doing that, with the proper signage we can create more of a draw for tourism. I dream of a Sunshine Coast where Langdale to Egmont is connected by one continuous, safe bike route with Brew Pubs, Cideries and B&B's creating great places to sit, eat and sleep. Thoughts? Comments? Let me know.
Donna Shugar made a great start on clearing the shoulders on Beach Ave on the south side. Many residents don't know that their property line usually starts about 4 feet back from the pavement, and they are required to keep that space clear of plantings, fences, and other such obstacles. Separate sidewalks would be expensive, but even just having room to step back from passing traffic really does add to a sense of safety. More of this would be good. Donna could tell you how she achieved what she did and what else might be do-able.
Yes Sharon, wouldn’t it be awesome if we had split sidewalks separate from the roadway?! I would love it.
Please consider also pedestrian needs when thinking of road shoulders. And getting the highways contractors to cut back the creeping vegetation on a regular basis.